Liberal League Network
Libertarian to a Point and Faultlessly Democratic
This site is not about THE Liberals or THE Conservatives as it is defined in American Politics today
Liberal League is libertarian. This Liberal League believes in separation of Church and State, emancipation, women's rights, personal rights, civil liberties and freedom of thought
The word Liberal has been demonized. The word Conservatives has been angel-icized.
We use liberal here to reflect the word liberal's meaning and its ideals.
There is a de facto Liberal League of Americans that espouse the ideas of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, especially Freedom and Justice for all.
The Liberal League is not about power hungry, money hungry Democrats or Republicans. It is not about social welfare versus corporate welfare It is about freedom of rules imposed by The Religious Right or The Extreme Right.
It is about the rights guaranteed to all Americans by our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.
The 'conservative' Regan revolution in the 1980's was brought about by libertarian ideals of keeping the government out of our pockets. The goal of a balanced federal budget was one of President Ronald Regan's primary tenets.
Liberal and Conservative ideals and thought are not diametrically opposed Liberals are angry at the Republicans for abandoning the commitment to balanced budgets.
Bush has turned the Ronald Reagan goal that became the Clinton surplus into the biggest budget deficit in history.
Liberal Citizens believe that the government has no business interfering with people's personal lives.
It is not the government's business to make personal decisions for us whether it is the people we sleep with, whether we decide to want an abortion. We believe it is not the governments business about which book we borrow from the library, who we call on the phone, what pages we view on the internet. The constitution give the government limited rights to do this, but only with a court order.
Liberal League is libertarian. This Liberal League believes in separation of Church and State, emancipation, women's rights, personal rights, civil liberties and freedom of thought
During the late 1800's, there was a "National Liberal League" that was interested in the separation of Church and State, emancipation, women's rights, personal rights, civil liberties and freedom of thought. We support these ideas and ideals
Our hero in the last half century is Barry Goldwater - he believed that government needs to stay out of peoples business
Ronald Reagan for starting the road to a balanced budget. Harry Truman for having the Country's interest about all else, and making the tough political decisions necessary to do it
Lyndon Johnson for supporting the voting rights act and for his work in civil rights
Bill Clinton for accomplishing welfare reform against "The Liberal Democrat" grain, for democratizing the military with equal rights by allowing gays to serve. And for being President with the first sustained balanced budget since World War II
Lyndon Johnson for great society welfare programs that became permanent entitlements and 'on the dole' programs
George Bush for just about everything.
The League of Women Voters for having lost control of Presidential Campaign debates. Without the LWV's rules and control the debates have become noting but a staged media event.
Congress for not having the interests of the Country at heart
This link may give you ideas about the "National Liberal League" as it existed in the late 19th Century